Thursday, May 3, 2012

Everyone has a story

Whenever I am driving or out and about doing the mundane tasks in life I cross the path's of many people.  So often I get so caught up in my task that I miss them.  How many people do we pass by every day?  And with those how many do we acknowledge?  And for those we acknowledge, how many do we consider?  My point is that every one has a story.  That person who cuts you off may be distracted with some pressing situation or just distracted because of their own daily agenda.  That burnt out cashier who doesn't even acknowledge you in any fashion of real interest may be having a very bad day or maybe has just been feeling just as invisible by their customers.  What about the rude person who cut in front of you in line?  They may have a bad marriage at home, a kid on drugs, a sick parent and are just at their whits end in stress because they are trying to take on the entire load by themselves.  Now I'm not saying these are always the cases, but what I am saying is that EVERYONE has a story.

My prayer is that I take notice of the people I pass by.  May I be sensitive to them as fellow humans and offer them kindness, a warm smile, a sincere greeting and even my place in line.  I hope to be patient and not in a rush to save myself an extra minute when I can and should sometimes give it to someone else.  Let my eyes see others with value rather than seeing myself as more valued than them.  Tug at my heart for those who may need some kind words, a genuine complement or just an aknowledgment that they are not invisible.  Maybe You can let me share a word of encouragement to someone who needs to know You care.  Whatever the situation, I pray I will be available to be Your hands or Your voice to share Your heart to these precious beings You created.  Let me be a vessel to showcase Your beautiful Love as I go about my daily duties.  May the menial tasks become missions of Your goodness.

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