Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Revelation to Inspiration

It’s funny how unexpected life can be.  The choices people make affect those around them.  Paths never foreseen are under our feet and we meet people on the sojourn.  Think about it.  If those choices were not made then those influences would never have been instilled into your life.  Can you imagine never having known certain people once they’ve imparted themselves into your life?  Whether good or bad the folks we meet in this life journey impact us for better or for worse.  We however have the choice to take the bad with the good, to learn and grow or let it bury us in the ground of despair and thus become stagnant people.  Personally, I choose growth.

It’s ok to make mistakes and to learn from them.  Isn’t it better to look into the mirror of truth and improve oneself than to feed off the lies and become embittered in self-pity?  Yet, it seems we live in an age of “self”-awareness in the negative context.  Meaning, it’s all about “me, me, me” and what can “I get” and what can you “do for me”?  Altruism is considered a prehistoric ideology and criticized by the mainstream.  Yet, the revelation is that goodness is worth standing for.  We meet people along the way who encourage us to be better than the “norm” of today.  There are people who inspire us to dream and to go after those dreams.  Those who lend out a hand to pull us up when we’ve been knocked down, and walk with us a little longer to make sure we are strong enough to continue on.  People who believe in us when we don’t believe in ourselves and encourage us to step into all we can be and we're meant to be. 

God, I thank You for using the confusing and unexpected choices of others to get me on the path you planned for my life, and for all of those people you put along that path. I don’t know if those were detours or original routes but I know I can trust that no choice any of us makes surprises You, and that You have a way of working everything out for our good and Your glory.   

Thank You for those who are so gritty that you use them like sandpaper to smooth my own rough edges.  For those who inspire and encourage and motivate me to move forward towards the destiny you have for my life.  I pray for the strength and courage to stand against the “norm” of today’s society and to keep compromise far away from my heart so that I can encourage and strengthen others who desire to do the same.  Let my life be an inspiration and a light to others as those who have been a light and inspiration were for me. Link each one of us together to become like a great chain connected to one another until we wrap the world completely in Your love and goodness!