Sunday, August 17, 2014

Dancing with Jesus

Dancing with Jesus
By Holly Fisher August 8, 2014

Walked along with my head held down
   Worries and fears made me frown.
I grumbled and complained –
   Could only hear myself talk.
Yet You stayed with me,
   Listened and smiled as we walked.

My eyes were gazed
   at the rocks on the ground
Oblivious to the fact
   You’d not made a sound.
You listened to my rants
   and waited patiently,
All the while leading me
   to a place you wanted me to see.

Lord, you got my attention when
   You took my hand...
Abruptly stopping –
   You asked me to dance.
At these words
   I looked up from the ground,
And in Your eyes
   Peace I found.
I took Your hands
   And we began to dance,
Forgetting my cares and circumstance.

Joy filled my heart
   And my spirit had life.
We danced in love
   Like husband and wife.
Gracefully moving
   You spun me around,
I stood amazed,
   Not making a sound.
Lord, even in my distress
   You still lead my steps!
My heart now humbled,
   I wept and wept.
For, before my eyes
   Was a sight to behold!

 “That’s the bigger picture!”
   Is what I was told.
“Don’t give up
   From the struggles of life,
Remember our dance
   When you deal with strife.”

Then You pointed in the direction
   You wanted me to go…
“The journey will teach
   What you need to know.
Remember I’m beside you
   Every step of the way.
I’ll get you back on track
   If you wander astray.
The journey is easier
   When we can dance,
It keeps your eyes
   Off your circumstance.
You’ll enjoy your blessings
   Along the way
And less likely
   You’ll be lead astray.

So, are you ready to go
   Where the Father has planned?
Then step out in faith, trust Me
   And take My hand!”
With but a nod of my head
   And nothing to say,
I turned towards the path
   As He lead the way.
I’ll be dancing with Jesus
   Trusting He’ll be my guide.  
Believing His promise
   To always be by my side.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Revelation to Inspiration

It’s funny how unexpected life can be.  The choices people make affect those around them.  Paths never foreseen are under our feet and we meet people on the sojourn.  Think about it.  If those choices were not made then those influences would never have been instilled into your life.  Can you imagine never having known certain people once they’ve imparted themselves into your life?  Whether good or bad the folks we meet in this life journey impact us for better or for worse.  We however have the choice to take the bad with the good, to learn and grow or let it bury us in the ground of despair and thus become stagnant people.  Personally, I choose growth.

It’s ok to make mistakes and to learn from them.  Isn’t it better to look into the mirror of truth and improve oneself than to feed off the lies and become embittered in self-pity?  Yet, it seems we live in an age of “self”-awareness in the negative context.  Meaning, it’s all about “me, me, me” and what can “I get” and what can you “do for me”?  Altruism is considered a prehistoric ideology and criticized by the mainstream.  Yet, the revelation is that goodness is worth standing for.  We meet people along the way who encourage us to be better than the “norm” of today.  There are people who inspire us to dream and to go after those dreams.  Those who lend out a hand to pull us up when we’ve been knocked down, and walk with us a little longer to make sure we are strong enough to continue on.  People who believe in us when we don’t believe in ourselves and encourage us to step into all we can be and we're meant to be. 

God, I thank You for using the confusing and unexpected choices of others to get me on the path you planned for my life, and for all of those people you put along that path. I don’t know if those were detours or original routes but I know I can trust that no choice any of us makes surprises You, and that You have a way of working everything out for our good and Your glory.   

Thank You for those who are so gritty that you use them like sandpaper to smooth my own rough edges.  For those who inspire and encourage and motivate me to move forward towards the destiny you have for my life.  I pray for the strength and courage to stand against the “norm” of today’s society and to keep compromise far away from my heart so that I can encourage and strengthen others who desire to do the same.  Let my life be an inspiration and a light to others as those who have been a light and inspiration were for me. Link each one of us together to become like a great chain connected to one another until we wrap the world completely in Your love and goodness!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Getting personal

Ok, I'm going to get personal in this blog entry.  I doubt anyone is even really reading it.  I mean there are billions of people in the world and you put something out there online, and in reality it truly can be obscure and never reach a soul.  This was going to be an outlet for me to put my thoughts out there into cyber space in hopes that maybe something I said could maybe, just maybe encourage someone somewhere in this little big planet of ours.  But fact is.....lately, I've been needing the encouragement myself.

There have been many big changes that have occurred in my life recently and still I am in limbo....floating around like a loose helium filled balloon over a forest of pine trees.  So often lately it seems like I'm losing my air and eventually going to pop from landing on one of those pine needles and be lost forever.  I'm not talking faith here....but myself.  Everything for the past few month's has felt like a wilderness.  I'm not alone.  I am surrounded by family who loves me, but yet, something is missing.  Connectivity.

We live in a day and age where social networking is supposedly bringing people together...but in reality it seems like it's tearing us apart from real human bonding.  All of us are seeking to belong;  to be liked;  accepted...loved.  Yet we live in an age of walls of isolation and our ideas of relationships are rated by how many friends we have on facebook or followers on whatever blog or twitter we have.  Yet, with all of this "social" networking people are more lonely than ever.  I guess this is where I am at.

One of the major changes was a big move halfway across the country.  I wish it was the picture perfect little package with job, home, moving truck, etc.  But it wasn't.  It was a leap of faith.  One leap where I felt pushed out of the boat to make.  I guess I wasn't budging on my own.  The jobs came pretty quick and with incredible favor.  Now though, how do I connect to others?  I have faith and I am passionate about my relationship with God and His Son.  I want to be a reflection of His light and love while I'm alive in this world.    sigh.....This entire journey has been challenging my attitude.  I have to choose how I'm going to react to our circumstances.  Be careful what you pray for I guess because if you pray for a pure're going to be challenged beyond your comfort zone.  Hopefully you'll choose an attitude of gratitude rather than a pity party.  At first I found myself peeking into that party more than I'd like to admit.  I'll be honest...I can still hear the loud music no matter how much I try to distance myself from it, but I refuse to go back inside.  So...every time I here those negative thoughts pop up in my head I say to myself out loud something that opposes those thoughts even if my feelings aren't quite caught up with them yet.  Not easy but not impossible either....again, it's a choice.  Ugh...sometimes I don't like free will.  Some days I just want God to make me do what I need to do so it gets done.  He has my permission to kick me in the right direction!

Back to the lonely thing.  Where are the hungry people??!!  I went to church when we first arrived and loved the message the leadership was going to preach on:  The Kingdom of Heaven.  I mean YEAH!  After the very high tech video intro I was so geeked that I couldn't help but yell. was dead silence all around and my yelp was too obvious.  I wasn't embarrassed for myself, I was sad for the people.  HOW am I supposed to meet people in what's supposed to be a "safe and friendly" environment when all you can get is a pasty smile, a weak hand shake and crickets in the sanctuary?!  Yeah, I went a bunch of times.  Loved the messages and took notes in my heart.  God, where are your children?!?!

Now, I have this job that keeps me working every weekend and holiday.  Not so bad really, but it puts a damper on opportunities to meet people.  You know how it is in new work environments?  You are the outcast.  The awkward one.  But I don't want to be too friendly with people I work with.  Gossip!!!!  That's why!  I am grateful for the job and the socialism although limited.  It is a blessing.  We need the income.  But I want to connect to people, not just do business transactions.  Wilderness, floating above the pine forest.

What did Jesus endure when he went into the wilderness?  I read it and read it.  His life is our example right?  He suffered loneliness and isolation.  His only followers weren't on Twitter, but was Satan tempting him to worship him.  Here is God as flesh and having to wander alone in the wilderness of the middle east.  YUK!  That makes my mouth parched just thinking about it.  I don't like sand or even the mere idea of desert sand, or even of desert.  Nope, not for me.

Back to Jesus' experience.  What happened to Him for those 40 days and nights?  I mean we only glean a glimpse, but I would imagine it sucked.  I know what I"m dealing with is the pits emotionally.  Darned feelings.  And I have people around me.  But he was literally alone AND not eating - even worse.  Like salt on a 2 inch gash on the most sensitive area of your body. did you do it?  What were your thoughts?  What did you feel?  How did you wrestle with your flesh and with Satan and not succumb to temptation?  Couldn't you have given us a little more input?  God, why do we feel alone when we are surrounded by people?  What is the problem here?

I thought I had friends from where I moved from, but I guess I was mistaken.  Getting really tired of hearing about how busy people are.  You have time to watch tv 4 hours a day or play on the computer for 2 hours doing absolutely nothing productive and you're too busy to write me back?  Ugh.  Yeah, said I was needing the encouragement.  I forgive them and let it go.  Que Sera Sera right?  Still miss them though, even if they have forgotten my friendship to them.

I'll write more later.  Have to go to bed now because, praise to God, I have a job!!!  :) 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Human Trafficking must STOP!

It's been awhile since I've written.  Life has had it's challenges, but faith has brought me through them.  Yet I find myself on a new journey.  A seed planted in my heart many years ago is breaking open and taking root.  I can see it poking through the soil of passion and I must write about it.

Human trafficking.  How?!  In this day and age of awareness and human rights how can it be that people are bought, sold and stolen to the benefits of others fleshly wants and desires?  How can any human think that using another human being for their own self-gratification is justified?  Yet, this atrocity is soaring to new heights in this supposedly "enlightened" age we live in.

Now my burden for such horrid acts on human beings must grow to something more affective.  No longer is it just a hearts cry to God to bring justice into an unjust and perverse world, it is an active mission in every fiber of my being to DO something.  I am praying for God to lead my steps as I step out in faith to act rather than to be bothered.

I wondered what I could do and I found a website with a petition to sign regarding kids being charged as criminals in an obvious sex trafficking arena.  So I started there and have been passing out the petition on facebook and through emails.  Here's the site too if anyone is reading this blog in the US.

Then I thought of other ways to act.  I am an artist and therefore I have some ideas of making awareness fliers and posters.  So that's next.  Also I am reading to educate myself and sharing with everyone I know about being aware of those around us.  I put a contact number in my cell phone (1-888-373-7888) to report any suspicious activity or people I may suddenly "see" in my daily activities in the communities surrounding that meet the criteria.  Awareness opens our eyes to see things we would never notice before.  So word of mouth is an action.

My family has just moved to Texas and we know no one outside of family and a few of their friends.  So I must connect to others and get awareness out there too.  Every act is like a drop of water in a giant pond that causes a ripple effect.  With each person we share about Human trafficking it's like more drops of water in that pond.  Some day with much prayer and action and God's help, those of us who fight for those who cannot fight for themselves will become like a torrential rain storm on those who commit these horrid acts on humanity!  May God set these captives free and may we love them and nurture them to healing and wholeness by His love and with the power of His glory.

Look at your loved ones;  your children, nieces, nephews, sisters, brothers, mothers, daughters and grandchildren.  They could be the next targets of these sinister people.  We must fight to protect them and help those who are already victimized.  We must act.  It IS happening in our own back yard.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Wrestling with Faith

How many times have you questioned God about why something is happening to you?  Why you were going through this terrible trial?  Why was He not getting you out of it or changing the circumstances in your favor?  So often we wonder if He’s even paying attention at all or if He just doesn’t care about us and we feel so alone and often confused.  The thoughts occur to us that our faith isn’t good enough or else He would answer our prayers.
Personally, I’ve wrestled with my faith a few times.  One time I was so distraught and angry that I told God I was done with Him.  I shook my fist at Him and told myself none of it was real.  He wasn’t real and everything I’ve believed about Him, well that too was all a fabrication.  Things at that time in my life were not making any sense, especially because I had been so faithful to God and I was asking, seeking and knocking as He told us to and yet there was silence….no reply to my petitions.  

As I sat down after clenching my fists at the air and spewing words of disappointment to an empty audience, I collapsed in my chair, dropped my head forward, sighed and became silent.  It was very early in the morning and the only sounds around me were the house creeks.  Then….a still, small voice spoke to my mind.  It sounded like my own inner voice, but it didn’t belong to me.  “Are you finished?” it asked.  Not condemning, but kind of like a parents voice of love and authority.  I took in another sigh and spoke audibly and defeated, “yes.”   Then came the Words….the many I had read for years in my private devotions to the Lord.  They flooded my mind, soul and spirit as though they were living and breathing and pouring new life into my very being.  There was something not natural taking place in that moment of my absolute defeat and despair.  Something supernatural was occurring – God was revealing Himself to me through His Truth.  Like a bubbling brook or a deep spring it just poured upwards into all of me like refreshing waters to a parched ground. 

“Lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Me.“  “My ways are not your ways, nor are my thoughts your thoughts, but as the Heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways and my thoughts higher than yours.” And many more that spoke to my life at that time.  He WAS with me, just as He said “I will never leave you or forsake you.”  Yet, I did not understand why He stood so silent when I had believed and needed Him so much.  Not then anyway, but later I did.  Later everything made sense.  Later I received my answers.  They were just around the corner but I was ready to give up and throw it all away because of my own disbelief and impatience.  I thought He should have done things my way and misunderstood that it is always best to wait upon the Lord to do things His way.  But so often we think our way IS His way, but more often than not that is just not the case.

Jesus is the Rock and as we stand on Him
 He will hold us up through the storms of life.
Those are His hands coming out of the rock.
(This is part of a sculpture I made a few years back)
This occurred a few years ago and although I have not wrestled nearly as bad as that time, I have still wrestled and every time I do I am reminded again and again that I am His creation, not Him and although I am adopted into God’s family and am now His child, He IS still the Father, God of ALL creation who is not bound by time or sin and death.  When I slip into a lack of faith I make myself remember Who God is and who I am to Him and boldly and confidently come before His throne and ask Him for strength to endure; to trust, and to wait patiently while His plan works itself out in my life and in the lives of those around me.  Even now I am waiting still as my family has been in a dark, dark storm for several years.  What keeps me going?  His Truth.  I confess it out of my mouth daily.  I may not “feel” it, but I speak it regardless because His Truth is not limited to my emotions.  No His Truth is the rock I stand on to keep me from being tossed into the storms of life.  I’m not saying I don’t get knocked around, wind -blown, wet, cold, lonely, discouraged or even doubt, but because my feet are firmly planted on the Rock of Christ, He won’t let me fall into the torrential sea.  It’s the promise of Who God is that I hold on to and not my own understanding of the situation.  Is this easy? NO!  But Jesus never said it would be easy. 

Too often we blame God for the atrocities in our world.  There is so much darkness and despair, pain and suffering and we wonder how He could just let it happen.  But He doesn’t let it happen.  He gave us free will and lets us choose for ourselves.  Our world is fallen.  That means creation is fallen…all of creation, from the plants, the animals and to all of mankind.  We are born in sin because the world is fallen.  I think we forget that part.  We hear of the miracles of Christ occurring throughout the world in other’s lives and we want that in ours as well.  I too question God and ask Him why there are not more healings in the Church Body to show His power and glory on the earth.  He does not answer me.  But, what I am learning is that I must remember what He HAS done in my life and in the lives of those around me.  We must remember the times He took care of us, healed us, provided for us and even embraced us with His comfort and protection.  Otherwise we become like the Hebrews who were delivered from Egypt and forgot all that God delivered them from.  What they failed to understand was that it was through their wilderness experience God was trying to make them better people.  He was trying to get the Egypt out of their hearts and get their hearts to be more like His own. 

When we forget all that He has done we begin to wrestle with our faith.  We must remember and stand on His Truth, even when nothing makes sense around us.  What we don’t understand in our lives now, one day we will.  Whether in this life time or the next, but until then, to keep hope alive remember the times God revealed His love to you, even if all you have is the salvation you received at the Cross of Calvary.  Shouldn’t that alone be enough?  God loves us….God loves you.  He…loves…you….

Saturday, August 4, 2012

This is written for all the “religious” family we have out there in the world

Where does your theology lead you?  How does your dogma invite the lost into the Family of God?  How is it your version of the Bible, or your denominational titles are being a light in the world?  How did you get so far off track from the path you started?  People, “religion” does not save men.  Do not think that your billboards telling passerby’s that you read from the King James Version (not that there is anything wrong with this version, it's just an example I am using because I see it on church billboards so frequently) is going to save a single soul.  Or that your programs will entice the lost when the world sees how God’s people are divided! 

How do you not see that your religion has become an idol around your own necks?!  You spend more time condemning and criticizing other children of God for loving on people as Jesus did because your views on the scriptures are skewed.  There is a void of love in your religion that pushes people away from God rather than drawing them to Him!  

When did Jesus ever take the Word of God and use it as a hammer of condemnation over men’s hearts?!  When did he turn up his nose towards sinners and act disgusted?  Did He enter into the tax collectors house (which also was full of prostitutes) and scream at them that they were going to hell because they were “sinners!”   Did He yell at his disciples and condemn them for their uniqueness or for having their own style of ministering to others?  Where did Jesus say that only the Baptists, or the Lutherans, or the Presbyterians, or the Pentecostals or the charismatics, or the Methodists and so forth had the only true theology?  The Jesus I studied was full of compassion on the lost and loved them with such kindness and respect that they were drawn to Him and recognized their own hunger for the Truth.  They knew somehow that they could receive something from Him they could not get from the religious of their time.  He offered them hope and shared a gospel message that had never been heard before.  Well it was not new but He shared the heart of the Father concerning the Laws of Moses and lived a life that completed and complemented the Truth to help people, not hinder them.  Jesus gave people hope that they could find forgiveness for their sins by living the life of Truth and Love. 

Jesus was also not passive when it came to the Truth.  He did not fear the religious or even the lost but stood on the Word of God while walking in the Love of God.  There are religions who would rather turn the cheek to the gospel so as not to offend man and have allowed “sin” into their congregations, and their teachings are pleasing to itching ears rather than hungry hearts or their doctrines are watered down.  We cannot condemn sinners but we cannot condone sin in God’s sanctuary either.  We are God’s sanctuary on the earth and our own lives must be cleansed before we can attempt to help another who is bound in sin.  We cannot be passive, apathetic hypocrites.  This means we cannot water down the Truth to suit our own desires to be popular with the world!  This is also not the Church as she was meant to be! 

God’s doctrine is sound and just and He is able to protect the integrity of His Word no matter the denomination as long as it is His Truth and not a derivative of another man’s ideas on the Truth.  This is how cults are formed and people are lead into deception.  There is so much dissension in the Body of Believers because of men’s attitudes towards people.  We are NOT to use the Truth to imprison people brothers!!!!  The Truth is to set the captives free!  God is the Truth and God is Love and all those who are in God are also in Love.  Whoever claims to love but hates his brother is deceived and God’s love is not in him! 
My point?  How can the lost in the world see God in the Body when the Body is like a lampstand outside full of dirt and dead bugs and our light is dim at best?!  WE MUST clean our lamps with the Love of God’s Truth and purify our hearts in Christ Jesus so that we can illuminate in these dark times!  It’s God’s Love that transforms the world through the Church, not any version of the Bible, or denomination or theology.  We are saved by grace alone through the blood of Christ in his death and resurrection.  If we can all agree on this and set aside our dogmatic differences and unite under this Truth alone then, and only then can we be the salt of the earth, a lampstand on a hill and vessels of righteousness.  Only then can the world finally see Jesus in us and through us.  God’s love changed us and convicted us of our own sinfulness and it seems we have forgotten what it was like to have been lost. 

Love, not condemnation (for God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world but to save it through Him) will reveal God’s mercy and compassion to man.  Love, not criticism will heal the wounds of the lost.  Love with grace and mercy will expand the Kingdom of Heaven.  We must unite brethren if we’re to complete the mission at hand as the Church (The body of believers, aka the Bride of Christ).  We have been adopted into God’s family and we must stop the sibling rivalry and stand together in Christ Jesus as a family. 

Sadly, some of those “religious” will find something wrong with even this plea and condemn me to hell because many are waxed cold in love and are themselves now blinded to the Truth just as the Pharisees were.  The worst part of deception is that the deceived don't realize they are deceived. God help us all and forgive us our absurdities and foolishness of thinking.  Raise up Your People to be a beacon of light in the world; reflections of Your Love and glory to those groping around in the darkness.  Draw them to Your Light Lord that they may be saved!  Break our hearts with what breaks Yours Lord.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Onward Christian Soldier!

Believe in God because He's bigger than our circumstances. Do not allow your mind to entertain the negative and dark thoughts that try to enter in and destroy the peace of God! Take them captive to the obedience of Christ and think on things that are good, noble, admirable, praiseworthy, righteous, lovely, pure or excellent - think on these instead!

Remember, our battle is NOT against flesh and blood! We do not wrestle against the captives, but against their captors - those evil soldiers we cannot see in the natural, except by their evil influence on humanity.

You are NOT defeated! We are MORE than conquerors in Christ Jesus! We are already the victors, seated with Christ next to the Father in Heaven! Here we are advancing the Kingdom of Heaven! Our time, your time is right now! Where God resides it is already finished! So find hope that you will be able to stand against your enemies!

God directs the steps of His faithful ones! Find confidence in His faithfulness, not in your ability or lack of ability. He is able to do above and beyond all we can see or even comprehend. He set time in place and see's the beginning through to the end.

He has chosen you to run this race and He is waiting to give you your crown! Do not be afraid and trust God to keep His promises to be your guard and strength, your help in times of trouble and that He will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus!

Be thankful in all things and the God of all glory will guard your heart and mind with the peace that surpasses all understanding in Christ.

Now take up your shield; stand fully armored holding up your sword and on His command be ready, and advance the Kingdom!

Onward Christian Soldier!!